2023-08-25 10:28

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Government Introduces Legislation To Change Supply Of Prescribed Medicines After Brexit

Whether or not we leave the EU with or without a deal, the affect upon the supply of medicines into the UK may be one of causing delays or inevitably perhaps, a shortage of prescribed medicines in UK's pharmacies.

Pic: PSNC LogoThe Government is currently introducing what they call Serious Shortage Protocols which will determine which medicines are in short supply and the alternative to be supplied to the patient in place of their GP prescribed medication.

This will mean that patients may not even know their medicine is in short supply and being replaced by an alternative, and one which they or their GP, may have previously rejected due to side-effects, unsuitability or otherwise. Those patients ordering repeat prescriptions may well not know of any shortages and changes to their medication until actually picking it up from their pharmacy.

Furthermore, stockpiling by private pharmacies and those internet only suppliers; may well be a major problem that exacerbates shortages. Such suppliers will inevitably increase their costs, and the risk of the existing problems of the importing of fake medicines into the UK becoming even greater; is inevitable if shortages of medicines occur.

Here you can download the full details of the Serious Shortage Protocols issued in March 2019, from the Unionsafety E-Library Use the category 'Brexit' or search word 'Pharmacy'.

Source: PSNC

Pic: Bak to News icon link

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